Apple fails to put figure on job cuts

Confusion surrounds the number of lay-offs at the Apple Computer plant in Cork, despite a news conference on Wednesday which …

Confusion surrounds the number of lay-offs at the Apple Computer plant in Cork, despite a news conference on Wednesday which was supposed to clarify the issue.

Mr Tim Cook, a senior vice-president of Apple with responsibility for worldwide operations, who had crossed the Atlantic to chair the meeting, could not specify the exact number of temporary and full-time jobs at the plant which would be shed.

The company also refused to circulate a statement which was read by a spokesman at the meeting.

The approach has led to conflicting statements from the main union, SIPTU, Apple itself, and workers who remain uncertain as to what lies ahead.


the last once within the group is to be contracted out to Singapore. where costs will be cheaper. It is known that 150 non-SIPTU members in all sections of the Hollyhill plant will be laid off. The company is then offering a voluntary redundancy package to a further 200 SIPTU members and this is likely to be accepted.

It is described by the union as a generous package, and is understood to include five week's pay for each year of service.

But the company has doggedly refused to quantify the position of the temporary staff.