Baltimore share sale may cost dear

And still on Dermot Desmond, can it be said that he called the market wrong when he unloaded two million Baltimore shares two…

And still on Dermot Desmond, can it be said that he called the market wrong when he unloaded two million Baltimore shares two million shares two weeks ago, netting himself a cool £50 million-plus.

Desmond did not disclose the price he got for those shares, but at the time the deal was done Baltimore shares were trading in the £21-23 sterling (€32-€35) range on the London market.

Since that deal, Baltimore shares have continued to go through the roof, driven ahead by buy recommendations from Lehman and Merrill Lynch.

They broke through £30 sterling after this week's results before settling back to trade around £30. That means by selling when he did, Dermot Desmond has missed out on a potential gain of around £14 million sterling. And if the shares reach the £35 sterling target set by Lehman, that potential loss will increase to £24 million sterling.


Even to Dermot Desmond, missing out on the recent surge in the Baltimore share must be a bit galling.

But before tears are shed, remember that Desmond got those shares when the original Baltimore was sold to Zergo - and the shares were worth about £4 then.

That's some profit to make in less than a year. And he still owns 1.3 million Baltimore shares that are now worth £38 million sterling and which have risen in value by £7.8 million sterling since that share deal two weeks ago.