Banking work climate creates bullies - IBOA

Bank employees are working in an increasingly stressful and sales-driven work environment that frequently creates bullies, according…

Bank employees are working in an increasingly stressful and sales-driven work environment that frequently creates bullies, according to the Irish Bank Officials Association (IBOA) general secretary.

Mr Larry Broderick, who launched the IBOA's 'Dignity in the Workplace' policy document stressed the importance of eradicating bullying and harassment in the workplace. "IBOA believes that workplace bullying and harassment is a serious issue for our members who work in an increasingly stressful and sales driven work environment," he said.

Employees are operating in an environment where staff numbers are being reduced and their workload is being increased. "This climate also creates a culture of fear within organisations whereby staff are afraid to speak their minds or highlight internal problems for fear of being perceived by senior management as disloyal," Mr Broderick said.

A task force on the prevention of workplace bullying reported that 10 per cent of employees in the financial services sector had experienced bullying at work in the previous six months. IBOA said this echoed its own findings.


Mr Broderick said the high level of bullying and harassment in the financial services industry is unacceptable. Its new policy document sends out a strong message to employers and employees in the finance sector that dignity in the workplace is not a privilege - it's a right, he added.

The IBOA called on the financial services industry to deliver and effectively implement policies on bullying and harassment that provide a safe working environment for all staff. The IBOA will be distributing copies of the document to all of its members, senior management in the banks and other interested parties.