Blending the megalithic with the modern

With Dolmen Securities and Butler & Briscoe marching up the aisle, the question on the more irreverent industry lips is what…

With Dolmen Securities and Butler & Briscoe marching up the aisle, the question on the more irreverent industry lips is what will become of the larger company's symbol.

Clearly, it will be tempting for the new company to keep the Butler & Briscoe name, which has been on the go for more than 75 years. But would this mean toppling the ancient megalithic structure?

In its documents, the younger company points out that a dolmen consists of three vertical stones topped with a single table stone.

"The structure is triangular in shape and represents a perfect geometrical structure which reflects the equal contributions of the three aspects of our business to a total client service," Dolmen says. "The table stone signifies this total market service."


Perhaps the addition of someone in a butler's uniform might suffice.