
Maybe it's something in the water, but a disproportionate amount of Ireland's leading bloggers seem to hail from Munster.

Maybe it's something in the water, but a disproportionate amount of Ireland's leading bloggers seem to hail from Munster.

Based in Limerick, James Corbett styles himself as a micro-entrepreneur - he is involved in a number of international online businesses.

These include a community for greyhound enthusiasts and Grazr, which is a new way of consuming syndicated web content.

Despite this, he still finds time to post his blog at least once a day on the broad topics of entrepreneurship and technology.


Is it any wonder he recently admitted that the lines between his personal and professional life are blurring? A common enough occupational hazard for micro-entrepreneurs, no doubt.

Corbett is also hugely supportive of networking initiatives in his area.

One such initiative is the Open Coffee movement, which seeks to bring together financiers, start-ups and advisers in an informal cafe setting.

The international movement has already had meetings in Cork and Limerick.

However, techies in the capital have yet to embrace the model.

Corbett wears his passions on his sleeve and is not afraid to take a deep dive into tech speak either.

He is especially enthusiastic around two of his pet topics: global positioning systems (GPS) and content syndication.

He's also big on the concept of co-working, whereby freelance workers come together to create a flexible, hot-desk space.

That way they have the numerous benefits of an office space without the formality.

If you had to find a gripe with the Eirepreneur blog, it would be that the design is extremely basic and lacks some basic functions that you might expect these days, such as a search facility or the ability to see posts grouped by topic.

At least Corbett hasn't fallen into the common trap of plastering his blog in widgets and other pointless distractions.
