The term A-list blogger seems to have fallen out of favour as blogs have exploded in popularity.
With so many people blogging on a mind-blowing array of topics, the influence of the largely technology-related blogs which dominated the early days of the medium has declined.
But given its popularity, influence and not least name, Fred Wilson's AVC is crying out to be branded A-list.
Wilson is a venture capitalist with Union Square Ventures in New York City but he's a far cry from the caricature of the vulture capitalist - a ruthless investor who makes his millions on the back of entrepreneurs' good ideas.
Wilson is one of those bloggers who manages to combine valuable industry insights with details of his personal life.
(Regular readers have learned that his wife, the Gotham Gal, also has a blog and that Wilson has teenage children who share his musical tastes).
Wilson's big passion, outside of technology and the internet, is music and he regularly posts new tracks from artists as diverse as Arctic Monkeys, Wilco and Neil Young.
On the tech side he is an insightful commentator on digital media and internet issues, in particular how new technology is changing the way we consume entertainment.
Where Wilson really shines is when he posts on topics that straddle both topics, as in this week's post on Modest Mouse. For those who don't have the same overlapping interests, it is possible to subscribe to his VC and technology posts separately to his music ones.
Wilson admits to being a sucker for "blog bling" and has a wide range of Web 2.0 widgets - applications which web companies release to showcase their services - embedded on his site. In Wilson's case he has widgets which do everything from showing who has visited his blog to letting you know what music he is listening to.
Blog of the WeekAVC