Bord Failte aims to increase home holiday take to €1.3bn

Bord Fβilte is aiming to increase tourist earnings from the Irish market to €1.3 billion (£1 billion) next year.

Bord Fβilte is aiming to increase tourist earnings from the Irish market to €1.3 billion (£1 billion) next year.

The tourist board hopes that home holidays, which already account for nearly a quarter of total tourism revenues of €4.8 billion, will underpin the tourism industry in the difficult year ahead.

"Despite foot-and-mouth disease, the number of home holidays taken in 2001 was up 12 per cent with expenditure up 16 per cent," Bord Fβilte's acting chairman, Mr Noel McGinley, said yesterday.

"The uncertain year ahead will emphasise the importance of a secure home market to the tourism sector."


The domestic market accounted for around €1.1 billion of tourist revenues in 2000 and this figure is expected to have remained broadly steady, or to even have increased slightly this year.

"Setting a €1.3 billion target is very achievable," acting chief executive Mr Niall Reddy said.

He said the tourist board was aiming to increase the number of domestic trips from around 7.3 million at present to about 7.6 million. Bord Fβilte said its activities next year would focus on achieving a more sustainable industry.

This would be done by spreading visitors throughout the State, promoting off-peak holidays and gaining maximum revenue from all visitors through activity holidays such as golf, angling or equestrian breaks.

Sports tourism is another area the board will focus on with 10 major international sporting events due to take place in the Republic next year.

Since the establishment of Tourism Ireland, the all-island body charged with promoting Ireland as a holiday destination overseas, Bord Fβilte has responsibility for marketing tourism domestically.

It is putting increased resources into targeting the Irish market, both north and south, next year.

It will invest €2.6 million of its €54.6 million budget for 2002 in promoting holidays in the Republic.

Its promotion campaign will include television, radio, print and outdoor media advertising, consumer and trade promotions, a new "Discover Ireland" website as well as direct marketing for the first time in targeted urban centres.