Bruton bound for China

I bumped into Richard Bruton, the enterprise minister, the other day on Kildare Street. He let slip that he embarks on yet another trip tomorrow to slay the Chinese trade dragon. Subsequently, a source revealed he will lead a five-day joint Enterprise Ireland/IDA Ireland mission to the Asian powerhouse, also taking in a jaunt to Japan.

In early 2012, the Government’s Asian trade strategy looked like it was going awry. Sales by Irish firms to China were falling, and the Irish Exporters Association was screaming for a new Asian trade strategy. Bruton knocked heads at Forfás, and got it to help draft a grand plan to beef up Irish-Chinese trade.

This week’s trip will be his fourth to China since last year’s mission with the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny. The word is that Bruton will mainly facilitate meetings between Irish exporters and potential Chinese clients, as the IDA focuses on attracting some of tomorrow’s multinational powerhouses to invest back home.

There will also be meetings with senior political figures, although my snout was scant on detail. Let’s hope Bruton has China in his hands.