BSkyB may be regulated next year

BSkyB, the satellite broadcaster which has more than 200,000 subscribers in Ireland, may be regulated here from next year following…

BSkyB, the satellite broadcaster which has more than 200,000 subscribers in Ireland, may be regulated here from next year following the completion of a consultation process initiated by the telecoms regulator.

Previously, the Sky satellite service had not been regulated by the regulator, Ms Etain Doyle, because it is based outside of the State. But under new European directives which will be transposed into Irish law over the next 15 months, all services and networks will be subject to regulation, according to a paper published by Ms Doyle. "All services, including some services and networks which are not currently subject to licensing in Ireland, such as satellite television, would be subject to the same rules," said the paper.

This may enable Ms Doyle to extend powers over price control and quality of service and roll-out to the satellite broadcaster, in a similar manner to the way it regulates cable operators here.

Mr Willie Fagan, director of regulatory affairs at Chorus, welcomed the development yesterday saying it would "level the playing field". Cable firms believe they have been discriminated against under the present scheme as they must pay expensive licence fees and face regulation while a major competitor did not.


A Sky spokeswoman said the firm had noted the telecoms regulator's announcement and welcomed the opportunity to put forward its position following analysis of the document.

The new directives will change the current licensing regime to one of issuing authorisations, which would include certain conditions laid down by the regulator.

Ms Doyle said yesterday the development of the new framework had taken three years and detailed implementation would occur within 15 months.