CONCERN was expressed yesterday about the direct ion in which the Irish tourism industry was headed.
Mr Conor McCarthy, executive chairman of Ryan Hotels plc, said too much emphasis was being placed on budget accommodation.
"I am worried that the new tourist product will not match the needs of the discerning tourist," Mr McCarthy told a breakfast debate held in Dublin.
"Dublin is getting the wrong type of tourist" was the title given to the debate, organised by ICC Bank as part of a series of breakfast briefings.
"Ireland has a high quality product that other countries can, only dream about," Mr McCarthy said. He said it was important that Ireland learn from the mistakes in tourism strategy which were made in Thailand and Majorca.
Mr Frank Magee, chief executive of Dublin Tourism, defended the current approach to tourism, and said growth was not confined to the budget sector.
"The Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links and the new Greats Southern Hotel at the Airport are obvious examples to the contrary."
Mr Michael Quinn, managing director with ICC Bank, said the bank was confident that sufficient demand would be generated to absorb planned additional hotel bedroom capacity.
Mr Quinn, who chaired the debate, said the bank was involved in the construction of over 300 hotel bedrooms in Dublin.