Budget is focal point of this week

The focal point of the week is the 2009 Budget, which will be unveiled tomorrow

The focal point of the week is the 2009 Budget, which will be unveiled tomorrow. It's already abundantly clear that the Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan's first budget will be of the hairshirt variety, but it will be interesting to see exactly how the Government proposes to stabilise public finances.

It seems likely that the global financial crisis will continue to grab headlines this week, as the coordinated round of rate cuts by central banks, and promises of action from US President George Bush, last week failed to calm increasingly jittery markets.


US:Columbus Day Holiday
Results:Clinton Card
Meetings:SIPTU Special Consultative Delegate Conference
Indicators:Irish Ulster Bank Construction PMI; UK PPI Input (Sept)



Budget Day
Results:Altera; Bellway; Domino's; Genentech; Intel; Johnson & Johnson; Linear Technology; PepsiCo; Supervalu; Whitbread
Meetings:World Trade Organisation General Council meeting (Geneva); World Knowledge Forum, with participation of OECD Deputy Secretary-General Pier Carlo Padoan (Seoul, Korea) Indicators: EU Industrial Production (Aug); UK BRC Retail Sales (Sept), CPI (Sept) and DCLG House Prices (Aug); German ZEW Index (Oct); French HICP (Sept); HICP; Spanish HICP (Sept); Italian CPI (Sept); Japanese Domestic Wholesale Prices (Sept) and Confidence Index (Sept)

Other:Trading update from Burberry, Cadbury, Carphone Warehouse, Northern Rock and SSL International


Results:Abbott; Autonomy; Datalink; Delta Air Lines; eBay; JPMorgan Chase & Co; Novellus; Sportingbet; Suedzucker; Coca-Cola; Wells Fargo; Xilinx

Meetings:Diageo AGM; Irish Taxation Institute's Budget 2009 Breakfast Briefings (Radisson Hotel, Little Island, Cork and Westin Hotel, Dublin 2); South Dublin Chamber Post-Budget Breakfast Briefing (Green Isle Hotel, Clondalkin); Dublin Business Innovation Centre hosts free business breakfast seminar - 'Marketing for SMEs' (Guinness Storehouse, Dublin 8); third annual Business of Climate Change conference (Toronto)

Indicators:EU HICP (Sept); US Empire State Index (Oct), PPI (Sept), Retail Sales/Ex Autos (Sept), Business Inventories (Aug) and Federal Reserve Bank publishes Beige Book; UK RICS House Price Survey (Sept), Claimant Count Unemployment (Sept), Average Earnings (3 mths to Aug) and CBI Manufacturing Survey - Orders (Oct); German CPI (Sept); Norges Bank Rate Announcement; Japanese Current Account (Aug); OPEC monthly oil market report

Other:Trading update from Marston's


Results:Advanced Micro Devices; Air Partner; Baxter; CIT; Citigroup; Continental Airlines; Google; Harley-Davidson; Merrill Lynch; Nokia; Smiths News; Stryker; United Technologies

Meetings:Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Forum and Awards (Guinness Storehouse, D8)

Indicators:Irish Overseas Travel (Aug) and Public Sector Employment and Earnings (June); US CPI (Sept), Initial Jobless Claims (w/e 10th Oct), Real Earnings (Sept), TICS Capital Inflows (Aug), Industrial Production (Sept), Capacity Utilisation (Sept), Philly Fed Index (Oct) and NAHB Housing Market Index (Oct)

Other:Launch of PwC Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2008 - 2012; trading update from Britvic, Legal and General, Mothercare


Meetings:ECB Governing Council member Axel Weber takes part in a CES-Ifo conference on liquidity risks (to Saturday)

Indicators:EU Foreign Trade Balance (Aug); Irish Earnings in Distribution and Business Services (March); US Housing Starts (Sept) and Michigan Sentiment (Oct).