Budgeting for partnership

Under pressure from the social partners the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy is preparing to announce a Budget which will differ…

Under pressure from the social partners the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy is preparing to announce a Budget which will differ markedly from the poorly-received one for 1998 in targeting the lower paid. Pensioners and farmers are other groups which look as though they will have something to cheer on the day. Those looking for further cuts in income tax rates, particularly the higher rate, are facing disappointment although personal allowances and tax bands will grow. What is still uncertain is whether the Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Ms Harney will win the day in her campaign for the introduction of tax credits.

Elsewhere, there is little of note in a quiet week with US employment figure on Friday unlikely to produce any surprises and the Bundesbank Council almost certain to play it equally unspectacularly when it meets to discuss interest rates on Thursday. Despite hopes harboured in certain areas, chances of a further rate cut in Germany ahead of EMU are negligible.


Results: AEA Technology (H1), Allders, Bellhaven (H1), Capital for Companies (H1), Care UK, Carlsberg, Critchley (H1), Eurocamp, Imperial Tobacco, Jennings Bros, Nord Anglia, SBS Group, Scottish Radio Holdings, WS Atkins (H1), H Young Holdings.


A.G.M.: Burn Stewart, Dicom Group, Neil Clerk (e.g.m.), Nottingham Forest, Strategem.

Meetings: Franco-German summit between French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder (Potsdam to Tues); Marketing Institute half day seminar on e-commerce (Stillorgan Park Hotel, Dublin).

Indicators: Irish national household survey; British consumer credit (Oct); US Chicago purchasing managers index (Nov); Japanese housing starts (Oct) and construction orders (Oct).

Others: Deutsche Bank news conference to report on the outcome of its talks to purchase Bankers Trust; FTSE International launches new FTSE All-Small index; Banque Internationale a Luxembourg opens fund services division in Dublin; First phase of general telecoms licences (Berkeley Court Hotel, Dublin); Eagle Star investment and pensions presentation (Radisson SAS St Helen's Hotel, Dublin); Irish Nationwide Building Society marks 125th anniversary.


Results: Amberley Group (H1), Carlton Communications, Character Group, East Surrey Holdings (H1), GET Group, Hazlewood Foods (H1), Hogg Robinson (H1), Sanderson, SCS Upholstery, Shaftsbury, Wagon (H1).

A.G.M.: CLS Holdings (e.g.m.), Dorling Kindersley, Schroder Ventures, Tepnel Life Sciences.

Meetings: European Central Bank council meets; EU finance ministers (Brussels); EU employment and social affairs ministers meet (Brussels);

Indicators: Irish industrial turnover index (Aug); EU and EMU-area inflation data (Oct); Japanese foreign reserves (Nov); British purchasing managers index (Nov); US leading indicators (Oct), National Association of Purchasing Managers (Nov) and constructio spending (Oct).

Others: British CBI publishes first ever "Consumer, Business and Professional Services" survey; IMF managing director Mr Michel Camdessus visits Moscow to discuss Russia's economic crisis.


Results: Alba (H1), Birkby (H1), Blick, Compco Holdings (H1), Greene King (H1), Hampson Industries (H1), M&G Group, MEPC, Readicut (H1), RPC (H1), United Drug.

A.G.M.: Lomond Underwriting (e.g.m.), Optoplast, Sanderson Bramall (e.g.m.).

Meetings: NCB hosts Irish technology conference (London).

Indicators: British official reserves.

Others: Minister for Finance Mr McCreevy announces Budget for 1999; Worldcom introduces international data services; DIT Aungier Street publishes Student Marketing Digest.


Results: Abbey Crest (H1), Airsprung (H1), AIT Group (H1), Aortech International (H1), Avon-Rubber, Bass, Border TV (H1), Castings (H1), Dewhurst, Expro International (H1), Fortis (Q3), GEC (H1), GUS (H1), Kalamazoo Comp Group (H1), London International (H1), Mid Kent (H1), Royal Bank of Scotland, Stakis, Videologic Group (H1).

A.G.M.: Chesterton International, Devro (e.g.m.), James Halstead, L Gardner, Premier Direct.

Meetings: Bundesbank Council meets (Frankfurt); IAPF/IIF/SAI conference on financing long-term care (Conrad Hotel, Dublin); IPC seminar on reward and recognition systems (University Industry centre, UCD).

Indicators: US productivity (Q3), unit labour costs (Q3), housing completions (Oct) and National Association of Purchasing Managers (Nov); Japanese GDP (Q3).


Results: Calluna (H1), Deltron Electronics.

A.G.M.: AB Foods, Arthur Shaw & Co (e.g.m.), Eleco Holdings, Fortis (e.g.m.), Highland Distillers, Interior Services

Indicators: Irish unemployment (Nov); US unemployment (Nov).