Business On Television

The Irish Empire -- The Scattering (Saturday, 6.20 p.m., BBC2) explores the diversity and scale of Irish migration

The Irish Empire -- The Scattering (Saturday, 6.20 p.m., BBC2) explores the diversity and scale of Irish migration. There are 70 million people worldwide whose ancestry can be traced to Ireland.

Georgian houses are valuable commodities in 2000, but they were originally built to last only 60-80 years. The Shock Of The Old: Built to Order (Sunday, 8.00 p.m., Channel 4) deals with classicism and reveals the modernity of the mass production techniques introduced by the Georgians.

Show Me The Money (Monday, 12.30 p.m., Channel 4), the programme that caused a few blips in share prices last season, is back. Five teams of three amateur investors compete to try and make as much money as they can with an imaginary £100,000 to spend on the London Stock Exchange. The programme is on every day this week at 12.30 p.m.

The organic farming industry is booming. However, up to 70 per cent of the organic produce on our shelves is imported. Ear To The Ground (Monday, 8.30 p.m., RTE 1) asks why. Emma Hannigan meets farmers making the switch to organic and asks whether it is worth all the effort.


The financial and emotional value of a deceased person's estate can wreak havoc for those left behind. Battle of Wills: Home Is Where the Heart Was (Thursday, 8.00 p.m., Channel 4) highlights the problems that can arise when a property is involved in a complicated estate.

Over a decade of exposure to the global free market has changed little for the poorest 40 per cent of the Brazilian population, which still lives on less than $2 a day each. Unreported World (Friday, 7.30 p.m., Channel 4) looks at how this has spawned a bloody uprising.