Business On Television

Freedom of information on the Internet has become a controversial issue, especially in the US

Freedom of information on the Internet has become a controversial issue, especially in the US. Visions of Democracy (Saturday, 9.30 a.m., RTE1) asks can what is published on the Internet be regulated without breaching US constitutional rights?

Web Story (Saturday, 10.00 a.m., RTE1) - will it all end in tears? The programme documents how thousands of people around the world are turning to the Web in the belief that they can make money.

The series chronicling man's development to wealth creator The Road to Riches: The End Or The Beginning? (Sunday, 8.00 p.m., BBC2) takes a journey through the economic management policies of the "two Harolds" (MacMillan and Wilson) and the "You've never had it so good" style of the 1960s.

The Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs is the second highest-spending Government department (after Finance), with an annual expenditure of £5.3 billion (€6.7 billion). The Department (Thursday, 10 p.m., RTE 1) follows senior civil servants as they brief the Minister, Mr Ahern, in the weeks leading up to the Budget. Finally, it's Budget day, December 1st, 1999, and the programme wraps up with officials briefing their colleagues about the details of the Department's financial package.