Business On Television

Glory of the Geeks (Channel 4, 8 p.m., Saturday) is the second of three programmes on how the Internet has altered our world

Glory of the Geeks (Channel 4, 8 p.m., Saturday) is the second of three programmes on how the Internet has altered our world. Tonight's show looks at the role of venture capitalists in developing the Net: one networking firm received such investment talks about the downside of receiving outside help.

Panorama: Workaholics (BBC 1, 10 p.m., Monday) looks at people who are quite prepared to sacrifice time with their family for extra time at the office. The programme asks whether this work style is imposed by their employers, and if it is such a bad thing. The Money Programme (BBC 2, Sunday, 7.30 p.m.) looks at digital television - the BBC has made a big commitment with the launch last week of BBC Choice, a digital channel. The programme attempts to assess whether viewers will be prepared to pay enough to make such astronomical investments worthwhile.

Meanwhile, Open House (RTE 1, Monday-Thursday, 3.05 p.m.), looks at the plight of first-time home buyers, hears their stories, and talks to the experts.

Could you destroy your pet because the bills for surgery/X-rays/ medication would mean sacrificing the family holiday? Beastly Behaviour, RTE 1, Sunday 7 p.m., looks at pet insurance, which could spare you such dilemmas.


The number of British tourists suing holiday companies has more than doubled in the past five years. World in Action (UTV, Monday, 8 p.m.) looks at why more than £50 million is being paid in compensation each year to disgruntled holidaymakers.

Breaks with a difference feature on The Antiques Show (BBC 2, Tuesday, 8.30 p.m.), which talks to people spending their holidays on a five-day course at an antiques school, presumably in the hopes of recouping their investment.

And to see people making money from their passions, Vintners' Tales (BBC 2, Thursday, 10.15 p.m.) is a series of short films talking to some of the characters in the wine trade.