Business On Television

Economist Julian Le Grand joins presenter Evan Davies to put his idea of "efficient equality" to the test in the third episode…

Economist Julian Le Grand joins presenter Evan Davies to put his idea of "efficient equality" to the test in the third episode of Big Ideas (Sunday, 7.30 p.m., BBC 2).

Le Grand suggests New Labour's push for established meritocracy is swiftly being replaced by a "winner takes all" society. His concept of efficient equality would ensure that everyone has the same start in life, the same chances and that there would be no social or economic barriers to prevent anyone fulfilling their potential.

Is the public's fear of genetically modified food justified or based on ignorance? In Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Monday, 11.45 p.m., Channel 4), Dr Jonathan Miller, joined by four leading voices in this area, examines why the reaction to GM food has been so extreme and so negative.

Streetwise (Wednesday, 7 p.m., RTE 1) includes a feature on the difficulties faced by tenants in trying to secure insurance for their personal belongings.


Duncan Stewart travels from Ireland to Sweden and Spain in search of solar panels in the final programme of Engine Earth (Wednesday 8.30 p.m., RTE 1).

With the price of thermal panels coming down, householders can achieve energy savings by fitting the panels, and Stewart maintains all new houses should integrate solar principles.

City Stories (Thursday, 11.05 p.m., Channel 4). The first in a five-part series on life in London's financial district finds out what drives the successful bankers, brokers and traders at work and at play.

This programme features Jamie Ellison, who worked his way up from tea boy to trader at the London Financial Futures Exchange and Joe Welman, a banker with Rea Brothers, one of the few British-owned merchant banks in the City.