Business On TV

How well do sport and business mix? With Celtic Football Club now financed to the tune of £4 million by Irish businessman, Dermot…

How well do sport and business mix? With Celtic Football Club now financed to the tune of £4 million by Irish businessman, Dermot Desmond, reporter Caoimhe Nic Caba visits Glasgow to ascertain how Celtic Football Club is coping with the growing commercialism of the game, in Leargas, RTE 1, Tuesday, 7.30 p.m.8 p.m.

A bomb threat at Liverpool's Adelphi poses the latest challenge to the hotel's general manager, who must evacuate the guests. But

regular viewers of the documentary, Hotel, are unlikely to be surprised that the threat leaves her unfazed.

In the kitchen, all it takes is a bunch of vegetarians to send the chef into a spin, while the porter is busy planning a holiday - courtesy of friendly foreign guests, BBC 1, Monday, 9.30 p.m.10 p.m.


Business Language Special on BBC 2, Monday, 5 a.m.6 a.m., looks at how a strategic approach to languages can improve exports, while Manage That Change has a mission to create a new image for a well-known brand of confectionery, on BBC 2, Tuesday, 5 a.m.6 a.m.

The intense rivalry in the biotechnology industry in the US is driving up the rate of crime in the sector evoking, in turn, a strong security crackdown.

An Equinox report follows an FBI sting on a scientist believed to have stolen a sample of a drug potentially worth millions of dollars, Channel 4, Monday, 9 p.m.10 p.m.

Ronan Clarke sheds some light on a candle-making factory in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim, in Ear to the Ground, RTE 1, Tuesday, 8.309 p.m., and, given the season that's in it, Tomorrow's World looks to the ghost of Christmas future: where choirs' prayers could be answered by a high-tech aid to hitting the right notes, on BBC 1, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.8 p.m.

Fionnuala Mulcahy

Fionnuala Mulcahy

Fionnuala Mulcahy is a Duty Editor at The Irish Times