Business podcast: Does Black Friday add up for Irish retailers?

Also on Inside Business, reaction to the UK’s autumn budget

Black Friday isn’t here yet, but retailers are already promising lower prices. Photograph: PA Wire

Black Friday is still more than 24 hours away, yet retailers who have adopted the US tradition on this side of the Atlantic have already begun slashing prices, making the Irish version a week-long event.

But is there any real value to be had, either for retailers or consumers, in the pre-Christmas sales bonanza?

On the latest Inside Business podcast, deputy chief executive of Retail Excellence Ireland, Lorraine Higgins and Irish Times Consumer Affairs Correspondent Conor Pope go head-to-head on the issue.

In the second part of the show, Denis Staunton joins Ciarán Hancock and Cliff Taylor on the line from London, where the chancellor of the exchequer Philip Hammond delivered the UK's autumn budget on Wednesday afternoon.

Jennifer Ryan

Jennifer Ryan is a former audio producer at The Irish Times