Cable maker to cut jobs

{TEXT} There was further bad news on the high-tech employment front yesterday when a west of Ireland-based computer firm announced…

{TEXT} There was further bad news on the high-tech employment front yesterday when a west of Ireland-based computer firm announced job losses.

Forty-four workers are to be let go at the Volex plant in Castlebar, Co Mayo, because of a downturn in the world market for computer products.

Volex, which also has plants in Estonia and Croatia, manufactures computer cable assembly systems.

The job cuts were well flagged by the company which announced a fortnight ago that between 80 and 100 positions were at risk.


But following consultations with the SIPTU trade union, and the co-operation of staff, this number was halved.

It's been a year of cutbacks at Volex which employs more than 600 in total.

Last May, more than 120 staff went on short-time working. And a month later, 150 workers, mostly temporary, were let go.

Mayo No 2 SIPTU Branch Secretary Ms Martina Weir said last night she regretted the job losses but the number sought by the company was less than had been feared.

"Our shop stewards have done tremendous work in the last few weeks in helping management reduce the number of redundancies needed," Ms. Weir stated.

The fact that other workers have agreed to short-time working and reduced working hours has brought about a situation where management did not need to implement the larger number of redundancies anticipated.

Some staff have also secured other employment in recent months also reducing the payroll pressure.

Ms Weir said that on a further positive note, the company had agreed to make a number of workers at the factory permanent. The 44 now being let go are being given a week's notice. They all have less than two years employment with the company.