CIE to report next month

CIE is to report back to Minister for Public Enterprise Ms O'Rourke next month with details of how it proposes to sell properties…

CIE is to report back to Minister for Public Enterprise Ms O'Rourke next month with details of how it proposes to sell properties to raise monies for transport investment.

It follows a 40-minute meeting between the Minister and CIE chairman Mr Brian Joyce yesterday morning. The meeting was described as "very constructive" by a spokesman for Ms O'Rourke.

Meanwhile, the Budget Estimates, due next month, will contain a separate sub-head which will detail the amount of money the Exchequer will set aside for public transport investment. The Minister's spokesman said it was separate from the annual subvention which the Exchequer gives CIE. This is usually in the region of £100 million.