Cloud provider Novosco wins €1.25m county council contract

Cork County Council has 1,500 IT users and services a population of 400,000

Novosco won the tender to provide the council with a system covering disaster recovery, back-up and hosted infrastructure

Managed cloud provider Novosco has secured a contract worth up to €1.25 million to provide Cork County Council with a solution to its IT infrastructure requirements.

The company, which has offices in Dublin, Cork and Belfast, won a tender to provide the council with a system covering disaster recovery, back-up and hosted infrastructure.

The council has 1,500 IT users and services a population of some 400,000 people.

Council divisional manager James Fogarty said: “This is a natural evolution of technology and the council’s requirements that will cope with the demands for increased data storage and protection while improving disaster recovery and resilience.”