Cushman & Wakefield introduces six weeks fully-paid paternity leave

Package to benefit all new parents including those having a child through surrogacy

Aidan Gavin of Cushman & Wakefield, says the time new fathers spend at home can be all too brief

Cushman & Wakefield is to treble the paternity package offered to its male employees in Ireland, from two to six weeks from January 2020.

The new package, “3+3”, will allow fathers to take three weeks fully-paid leave from work upon the birth of a child, with the option to take a further three weeks paid leave anytime within the following 18 months. The package will be available to all new parents, including those in same-sex relationships and those adopting or having a child through surrogacy.

Cushman & Wakefield’s “3+3” policy is the latest in a series of initiatives to be introduced by the company arising from work/life and gender groups within its Inspire diversity and inclusion programme.

Commenting on the introduction of the “3+3” package, Aidan Gavin, head of Ireland at Cushman & Wakefield, said: “The arrival of a child is a life-changing experience for any new parent but for too many fathers, including myself, the time spent at home is all too brief. It feels right that we should recognise the changing attitudes to not only work, but also parenting, when assessing what we can do to support our people.


“By offering six weeks fully-paid leave to new fathers we are providing the tools that will support our entire workforce in better balancing their careers while starting, growing and supporting a family.”

Ronald Quinlan

Ronald Quinlan

Ronald Quinlan is Property Editor of The Irish Times