Latin lessons for Goodies

Any of Goodbody’s clients could have told it that LXV is really the Latin for 65

Canada House: set a new benchmark rent for Dublin city centre of €60 per sq ft

Goodbody stockbrokers, that venerable old Ballsbridge institution, has always been a cultured sort of place, the traditional home of Ireland's "old money". So you would expect its best people to know their Latin, right?

The Irish Times revealed on Thursday that Denis O'Brien's Canada House development, LXV, located on St Stephen's Green, has set a new benchmark rent for Dublin city centre of €60 per sq ft. Goodbody then put out a note to its clients highlighting the significance of the deal. But, shock-horror, the brokerage kept referring to the building as "number 75".

Any of Goodbody’s well-heeled clients could have told it that LXV is really the Latin for 65. Number 75 on the Green is an altogether different building that is currently on the market, marketed by Savills for Lone Star. Not to worry.

Now, back to making more mountains of pecunia...