For your diary

A round-up of business events happening this week

Out Wednesday: Germany’s unemployment rate. Photograph: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg

TODAY Results: Circle Oil; Genesco; Naturex. Indicators: German Gfk consumer confidence survey (June).

TOMORROW Meetings: Small Firms Association conference (Clyde Court Hotel, D4). Indicators: US durable goods orders (Apr); US Markit services PMI (May); US consumer confidence (May).

WEDNESDAY Results: DSW; National Bank of Greece. Meetings: Escher Group AGM (111 St Stephen's Green, D2 ); Alkermes AGM (Connaught House, D4); Breakfast briefing on international brand protection (Chartered Accountants House, D2); Sales Institute national conference (Ballsbridge Hotel, D4); Small food business start-up seminar (Galway Bay Hotel, Galway); Real-time advertising workshop (Clyde Court Hotel, D4). Indicators: German unemployment rate (May); Japanese retail trade (Apr); UK Gfk consumer confidence (May). Other: Origin Enterprises trading update. THURSDAY Results: Abercrombie & Fitch; Severn Trent; Tate & Lyle. Meetings: National digital media and marketing summit (Croke Park, Dublin 3); ISIN/Arthur Cox breakfast seminar: IT and the Law (Ibec, D2). Indicators: US gross domestic product annualised (Q1); US pending home sales (Apr); Japanese national CPI (Apr); Japanese unemployment rate (Apr); Japanese industrial production (May).

FRIDAY Results: Microelectronics. Meetings: ISME annual lunch (Croke Park, D3); Digital learning festival (Dublin Castle, D2). Indicators: German retail sales (Apr); US Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index (May); US GDP price index (Q2).