For your diary

A round up of business events happening this week

Out Friday: figures for Irish industrial production (March). photograph: ina fassbender/reuters

TODAY Meetings: HubSpot open house (One Dockland Central, Dublin). Indicators: Irish exchequer returns (Mar); US factory orders (Feb). TOMORROW Results: Hostelworld; HTC; Keywords Studios; Walgreens Boots. Meetings: Cork Chamber business breakfast with Seamus Fives, site leader at Pfizer (Carrigaline Court Hotel, Co Cork). Indicators: Irish Investec services PMI (Mar); UK Halifax house price index (Mar); German Markit services PMI (Mar); euro zone Markit services PMI (Mar); euro zone retail sales (Feb); Irish unemployment rate (Mar); US balance of trade (Feb). WEDNESDAY Results: Bed Bath & Beyond; Global Payments; Monsanto. Meetings: Energy Show (RDS, Dublin). Indicators: euro zone retail PMI (Mar); German industrial production (Feb); US MBA mortgage applications (Apr 1). THURSDAY Meetings: Energy Show (RDS, Dublin); DigiCon Cork (City Hall, Cork); Legal costs seminar (Chartered Accountants House, Dublin ). Indicators: US initial jobless claims (April 2nd); US consumer credit change (Feb). Other: Bank of Japan monthly report

FRIDAY Indicators: Irish inflation rate (Mar); Irish industrial production (Mar); Irish consumer confidence (Mar); German balance of trade (Feb); UK balance of trade (Feb); UK industrial production (Feb); Chinese balance of trade (Mar).