For your diary: business events happening this week
A round-up of announcements including results, indicators and inflation rates
Gap’s results are due on Thursday
Pamela Newenham
Thu Aug 11 2016 - 18:32
Monday Results: Bovis Homes Indicators: Japanese industrial production (June); Irish balance of trade (June) Tuesday Results: BHP Billiton; Cairn Energy; Geberit; Home Depot Meetings: Ovoca Gold AGM (Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2) Indicators: UK inflation rate (July); UK retail price index (July); Euro zone balance of trade (June); Euro zone ZEW economic index (August); German ZEW economic sentiment index (August) US inflation rate (July); US industrial production (July) Wednesday Results: Analog Devices; Balfour Beatty; Cisco Systems; Glanbia; Wienerberger Indicators: UK unemployment rate (June); US MBA mortgage applications (August 12) Thursday Results: Gap; HP; Nestle; Premier Oil Indicators: Japanese balance of trade (July); UK retail sales (July); Euro zone inflation rate (July); US Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (August); US initial jobless claims (August 13) Other: Kingfisher trading update Friday Results: Deere & Co; Estée Lauder Meetings: Dublin Chamber business owners network (Bank of Ireland, 2 College Green, Dublin 2) Indicators: UK public sector net borrowing (July)