Plan to make Ireland centre of excellence for responsible business

Plan aims to increase awareness of corporate social responsibility

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton said the plan to increase awareness of corporate social responsibility represents “a milestone in raising the profile of CSR in Ireland”. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

A national plan for corporate social responsibility (CSR) which aims to make Ireland a centre of excellence for responsible

business practice will be launched today by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton.

The plan aims to increase awareness of CSR, its value to businesses and to society.

It will also encourage enterprises to develop and implement CSR policies, increase transparency and reporting of CSR activity by enterprises operating in Ireland, and anchor CSR practices in public bodies.


Mr Bruton said the plan represents “a milestone in raising the profile of CSR in Ireland” and indicates that the Government has an expectation that enterprises will conduct their operations in a responsible and sustainable manner.

“Increasingly, good CSR practices are distinguishing the best companies from their competitors, and are having a positive impact on their competitiveness. The way that businesses integrate social and environmental concerns into their engagement with customers, suppliers, employees and local communities is becoming hugely important to the sustainability of their business.”

The Government aims to establish a stakeholder forum on CSR this year, establish a baseline of CSR activity in Ireland through the National Standards Association of Ireland, and explore how IDA and Enterprise Ireland can promote CSR with their client companies.

Tina Roche, CEO of Business in the Community Ireland, said resource efficiency, increased productivity and consumer confidence were among the main priorities for Irish business leaders, while the need for growth and jobs were the foremost priorities of Government. "Corporate responsibility is uniquely positioned to contribute to these priorities and a robust national action plan driving its benefits for both business and society will help work towards ensuring its potential is realised."