Silver lining to O’Malley void

When Martin O'Malley, the former Baltimore mayor and one-time Maryland governor, cancelled a planned trip to Ireland earlier in the week following the riots that gripped his city, it left law firm Byrne Wallace's managing partner, Catherine Guy, in a bit of a pickle.

Guy had arranged for the presumed Democratic presidential candidate to be guest of honour at a special lunch in the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin on Tuesday. It was to be attended by 120 top business types, but O’Malley understandably chose to pull out hours beforehand, scuppering the daytime beano that would have shone a handy light on his Irish roots.

At least Byrne Wallace ensured that the Peter McVerry Trust, which feeds the homeless, made use of the food that had been prepared, while the flowers were donated to a hospice.

O'Malley could yet emerge as a veepee candidate on a ticket with Hillary Clinton. If so, expect plenty more Irish lunches.