Whelan plaque and Gorse Hill craic

Ex-solicitor Brian O’Donnell’s children questioned on gifts they received from parents

Retired solicitor Brian O’Donnell with his son Blake and daughter Alexandra. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill / The Irish Times

The family of retired solicitor Brian O’Donnell, the Gorse Hill one, were in court again this week. The official overseeing his bankruptcy secured permission to question his adult children about gifts they received from their parents.

A first edition of James Joyce's Ulysses bought for €42,500 is clearly a marquee present. But what about Leo Whelan's painting Waiting, which cost more than €300,000 and was gifted to the children?

Whelan may not be as well remembered as Joyce but the Dublin artist was one of the most prolific and respected in the early years of the State, capturing most of the early political leaders of the State on canvas.

A student of Sir William Orpen, he first exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy at the age of 19.


Coincidentally, just days before the O’Donnell hearing, Whelan’s family and current RHA president Mick O’Dea unveiled a plaque to the artist at 65 Eccles Street where he lived most his life.