Creditors concerned over historic `Irish Press' files

The whereabouts of the history-laden files of the Irish Press was raised at a creditors' meeting convened last week by liquidator…

The whereabouts of the history-laden files of the Irish Press was raised at a creditors' meeting convened last week by liquidator, Tom Grace, of Price Waterhouse.

Some of those in attendance wondered what had become of the leather-bound editions of every Irish Press newspaper along with the cuttings library.

Mr Grace said that as "a fluid asset" it was to be assumed that the receiver, Mr Ray Jackson, of Stokes Kennedy Crowley had sold them. He assured creditors that he would look into the matter.

However, the files, it turns out, were bought by Sarzeau Ltd, whose directors are Mr Larry Shields of LK Shields Solicitors and Ms Cora Champion.