Cross-border partnership innovation in healthcare

CROSS-BORDER trade body Intertrade Ireland and healthcare business association Biobusiness are developing a network across academics…

CROSS-BORDER trade body Intertrade Ireland and healthcare business association Biobusiness are developing a network across academics, business and clinicians to drive innovation in Irish healthcare.

The ultimate objective is to improve treatments, diagnoses and quality of life for patients but will also lead to an estimated €13 million in business opportunities and will develop Ireland’s capabilities as an innovation island.

Biobusiness says that industry-led collaborations between business, academics and those working in healthcare has already helped create new partnerships focused on product development and research.

Margaret Hearty, Intertrade’s director of programmes and business services, said the initiative “is an example of how we can use collaboration, North and South, to identify concepts which will yield product development, thus driving industry and job creation”.

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas