Dell returns record $747m annual profit

DELL Computer Corporation, the personal computer group which employs over 1,400 people in Ireland, has announced record results…

DELL Computer Corporation, the personal computer group which employs over 1,400 people in Ireland, has announced record results, with an almost doubling of pre tax profit from $383 million to $747 million (£472 million), in the year ended February 2nd 1997. Sales jumped by 47 per cent from $5.3 billion to $7.8 billion.

Dell said a surge led by its German and French units sparked European sales to rise 36 per cent to $2 billion. Fourth quarter European sales rose by 34 per cent to $618 million as German sales climbed 48 per cent and French sales rose 62 per cent compared to the year earlier quarter.

Dell does not give more specific results by country. However, the Limerick plant which employs over 1,000 people, manufactures the computers for sale in Europe and the European sales reflect its strong performance.

Sales in Ireland have not been disclosed. However, industry sources estimate these at around $40 million. Also, the sources note that growth would have been at least in line with the buoyant mainland European market.


European sales represented 25 per cent of Dell's worldwide revenue. The Americas generated 69 per cent, or $5.35 billion, while Asia provided 6 per cent, or $465 million.