DIRT team has review

The spectre of DIRT hangs over the Government, Revenue and the financial institutions again this week with the reconvening of…

The spectre of DIRT hangs over the Government, Revenue and the financial institutions again this week with the reconvening of the Dail subcommittee, which initially investigated the scandal. Secretaries to the Government and the Department of Finance will be among those called before the committee to explain what has and, more importantly, has not been happening since the report was issued.

The Revenue is expected to outline that it has unearthed more than £100 million (€127 million) in monies due during its audits of the institutions so far, with more to come.


Results: 600 Group, Babcock, Carclo, James Cropper, Fyffes (H1), Glotel, Goldshield Group, Hunzinger, Majestic Wine, Raglan Properties, Scipher.


A.G.M.: Allbecon, Baader, Bausch, British Bloodstock (e.g.m.), De Beukelaar, Piper, Rutland Trust (e.g.m.).

Meetings: EU Summit at end of Portuguese presidency (Sta Maria da Feira); Intel chief executive Mr Craig Barrett addresses conference on strategies for e-business (Dublin Castle); WTO working party on China meets to organise Chinese entry (Geneva); WTO disputes settlement body meets (Geneva); EFTA semi-annual ministerial meeting (Zurich - to Tues).

Indicators: EMU harmonised consumer prices (May); Italian consumer prices (May).

Others: Ireland Netinvest.com begins trading on the London AIM market.


Results: Carpetright, Fletcher King, Generali Lloyd, Gesco, Halma, Harvey Nicholls, H & M (H1), Ryanair, Trifast, Universal Salvage.

A.G.M.: Alexandra, Allied Zurich (e.g.m.), DePfa, Morrison Construction, Sun Life & Provincial (e.g.m.), Time Products, Titon Holdings, Trust Capital, VBH, Veritas, Wynnstay.

Meetings: EU economic and monetary affairs committee addressed by ECB president Mr Wim Duisenberg (Brussels); Dail Select Committee of Public Accounts sub-committee on the DIRT inquiry reconvenes.

Indicators: British M4 data (May); Us international trade (Apr), imports/exports (Apr), current account (Apr) and federal budget (May); Japanese trade balance (May); German Ifo survey (May); Italian GDP (Q1);

Others: IDA Ireland publishes annual report 1999; OECD publishes annual report on employment (Paris).


Results: Alldays (H1), Burtonwood, Gucci (Q1), Inveresk (H1), Swan (John), Syltone, Vocalis Group.

A.G.M.: ABN Amro, France Telecom, Semple Cochrane

Meetings: OPEC ministers review March agreement to increase supply (Vienna - to Fri).

Indicators: British motor vehicle production (May).

Others: British shadow chancellor Michael Portillo addresses Business for Sterling dinner (London).


Results: Crest Nicholson (H1), Dart Group, Grainger Trust (H1), Greene King, Partridge Fine Art (H1).

A.G.M.: Bloomsbury Publishing, Gucci, Havelock Europa, Oasis Stores, Publicis, Rapala (e.g.m.), Tullow.

Meetings: EU Commission meets governments on solutions to consumers paying high price to transfer euros across borders (Brussels); WTO general council meets to examine progress on implementing Uruguay Round accords (Geneva); Seminar on draft EU directive on fundamental rights (Institute of European Affairs).

Indicators: British CBI monthly trends survey (Jun); German producer prices (May); French industrial production (Apr); Italian consumer confidence (Jun); Norwegian consumer prices (Q2).

Others: By-election in Tipperary South; ESRI quarterly economic report published; Taoiseach Mr Ahern officially opens Lisheen mine; Publication of full version of OECD economic outlook; Financial Action Task Force on money laundering publishes annual report (Paris); Partial holiday in Germany.


Results: Ensor Holdings, Hardys & Hansons (H1), Meconic.

A.G.M.: Hitachi Credit (UK), Rosebys.

Indicators: British non-EU trade (May) and trade (Apr); French consumer prices (May); Italian EU trade (Apr) and non-EU trade (May).