Dispute on sugar price nears end

THE long running dispute between beet growers and Greencore subsidiary, Irish Sugar, seems to be almost over following the negotiation…

THE long running dispute between beet growers and Greencore subsidiary, Irish Sugar, seems to be almost over following the negotiation of higher beet price increases with the Irish Farmers Association. The deal, announced yesterday, will now be put to beet growers, with the IFA recommending acceptance.

IFA sugar beet and vegetable section chairman, Mr Martin O'Regan, said it has negotiated a £1.90 per tonne price increase over the next four years, which includes £1 up front for the 1997 crop. Irish Sugar has also agreed to writeoff an amount of 44p per tonne owed by growers to the company on the 1996 crop, relating mainly to green pound revaluations.

"The package is worth £8.7 million to growers over the period of the agreement including a benefit of over £2 million in 1997," according to Mr O'Regan.

Mr O'Regan said he was confident that the package would be endorsed by the IFA beet section council last night. Details will then be outlined to growers, who will have the final say. News of the breakthrough was welcomed by the market, with Greencore's share price rising 12p to 330p.