Donohoe to transfer Diageo shares, Cawley to chair Linked Finance

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has confirmed that he has begun transferring his shares in the drinks giant Diageo to his wife

Paschal Donohoe, the Minister for Finance, is attempting to head off any criticism that he could have a perceived conflict of interest when setting alcohol taxes in the upcoming budget. The minister has confirmed that he has begun transferring his shares in the drinks giant Diageo to his wife, writes Mark Paul.

A drinks industry lobbying group claims that the tourism and alcohol industries are "inseparable", as it launches a five-point plan of recommendations for the State to protect the drink industry from the effects of Brexit.

The Dublin-born mixed martial arts superstar, Conor McGregor, is facing a fresh setback to his plan to cash in on his name by launching a whiskey brand using his moniker, Notorious, reports Mark Paul..

Chris Johns argues that Brexit is now a problem without a solution for Britain.


Ireland's art market is booming if figures from the annual Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA) exhibition are any indication. Dominic Coyle has the details.

Bank of Ireland's monthly Economic Pulse report, which measures sentiment in businesses and households, shows that consumers and companies were more cautious in September, ahead of the budget.

Pilita Clark tells us that the ability to laugh at ourselves is an invaluable trait and a sign of confidence.

Former Ryanair deputy chief executive, Michael Cawley, has been appointed chairman of peer-to-peer lending platform, Linked Finance, writes Mark Paul.

Irish Life, an insurance group that employs 2,400 staff in Ireland, has made a pre-budget submission to the Government that calls for a number of taxation changes on its products, reports Mark Paul.

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