Budget 2016: Coverage on irishtimes.com

Live blog starts at noon with in-depth analysis and political reaction throughout the day

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan takes to his feet at 2pm, followed by Minister for Public Spending, Brendan Howlin. Photograph: Getty Images

Follow Budget 2016 on irishtimes.com where our journalists will be bringing you the latest news and analysis throughout the day on the Budget build-up, the speeches, the fallout and what it means for you.

You can already read all the pre-Budget news and views on our special Budget 2016 site, including a special piece on what it may mean to your pocket and see our four pre-budget videos, including Conor Pope's guide on what to expect. Here is how we will cover events tomorrow.

Noon: Join Eoin Burke-Kennedy, Dan Griffin and our in-house experts for the Budget live blog, keeping you up to speed on latest developments, the Budget itself, initial reaction and the best of social media comment.

2.00pm: Minister for Finance Michael Noonan takes to his feet, followed by Minister for Public Spending, Brendan Howlin. As well as the live blog, we bring you a rolling summary of the main points and highlights .


After the Speech: Our Budget calculator , in association with PwC , will tell you what it means for your pocket. Plus quick analysis from Stephen Collins, Arthur Beesley and Cliff Taylor on the political and economic implications, and what the tax changes mean for your pocket.

Video: We will have special video interviews with ministers Noonan and Howlin, plus political analysis from Fiach Kelly and Mary Minihan and economic analysis from Arthur Beesley and Cliff Taylor

Q&A: Our online Q&A will be open from mid-afternoon for you to submit your questions.

Budget digest: We will be emailing out a special Budget Digest, if you wish to receive it please sign up here. Throughout the day we will have up-to-the-minuted Budget news alerts, if you wish to receive them, sign up here.

Wednesday: A panel of Irish Times writers and PWC experts will answer your Budget 2016 live online on Wednesday morning, starting at 9am.

In Wednesday’s paper we will report in depth on what Budget 2016 means in a special 20-page supplement including Stephen Collins and Miriam Lord on politics, Arthur Beesley on the economy, Paul Cullen on the key area of health and analysis of all the key spending decisions in social protection, childcare, jobs, agriculture and other areas.

Conor Pope will look at what it all means for your pocket and we will look at what it means in details for eight typical households.

We will examine at the implications for housing and report on the reaction from business, including an analysis from tax experts at PwC on the business measures.

Cliff Taylor

Cliff Taylor

Cliff Taylor is an Irish Times writer and Managing Editor