EU to revise down growth forecast for Greece to 2%

Downgrade mostly due to uncertainty over review of reforms following bailout

A preliminary deal has been reached among euro zone lenders and Greek authorities which could pave the way for a new disbursement of loans to Athens in the coming weeks. Photograph: Getty Images

The European Commission will revise down its growth forecast for Greece this year to around 2 per cent from a previous 2.7 per cent, an EU official said on Friday.

The European Commission will release its new forecasts on EU countries’ growth and macro-economic performances next week.

The official said the downward revision of the Greek growth forecast was mostly due to uncertainty caused by delays in concluding a new review of Greek reforms under a €86 billion bailout.

A preliminary deal was reached this week among euro zone lenders and Greek authorities which could pave the way for a new disbursement of loans to Athens in the coming weeks.