Five of seven UK banks pass Bank of England stress tests

Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland fell below the requirements

Barclays was one of two banks that fell below their systemic reference point, a higher threshold that reflects their global significance. Photograph: Lewis Stickley/PA Wire

The Bank of England said the UK’s biggest lenders emerged from its latest stress test with the strength to keep lending even during a “disorderly” Brexit.

Five of the seven banks passed the health check, while two - Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland Group - fell below their systemic reference point, a higher threshold that reflects their global significance. Yet actions taken by the banks since end-2016 mean neither needs to bolster their capital, the BOE said on Tuesday.

While the test didn't factor in economic shocks specifically related to the withdrawal from the European Union, it pitted banks against a 4.7 per cent plunge in UK output, the pound crashing 27 per cent versus the dollar, house prices devaluing by a third and £40 billion of misconduct charges.

“The stress-test scenario therefore encompasses a wide range of UK macroeconomic risks that could be associated with Brexit,” the BOE said. As a result, it “judges the UK banking system could continue to support the real economy through a disorderly Brexit.”


Misconduct Costs

A messy divorce - with no trade deal or transition agreement - coupled with a “severe global recession and stressed misconduct costs” could push banks beyond the limits of the stress test, forcing them to draw down capital buffers substantially more. In this case, firms would be more likely to reduce lending, the BOE said.

The BOE also followed through on its plan to increase the countercyclical capital buffer to 1 per cent. In June, the regulator said this buffer level would increase required system- wide capital by £11.4 billion “given current risk- weighted assets.”

The increase becomes binding in a year. It won’t force banks to strengthen capital, but it will require them “to incorporate some of the capital they currently have in excess of their regulatory requirements into their regulatory capital buffers.”

The central bank's Financial Policy Committee will consider the adequacy of the buffer rate during the first half of 2018 and could raise the level again.

Dividend Payments

HSBC Holdings, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide Building Society, Santander UK and Standard Chartered all passed the health check, which was based on end-2016 data.The seven lenders incur losses of about £50 billion in the stress scenario, a level that "would have wiped out" their common equity capital a decade ago. All banks stop paying dividends, bonuses and additional Tier 1 debt coupons under the scenario.

Barclays fell below its systemic reference points for common equity Tier 1 capital and Tier 1 leverage ratio, the BOE said. It wasn’t required to submit a new capital plan thanks to steps taken since December, including issuing 2.5 billion pounds of AT1 debt and selling down its majority shareholding in Barclays Africa Group.

RBS missed its CET1 ratio systemic reference point, but like Barclays wasn't required to submit a new capital plan.

Before the test results were announced, Goldman Sachs Group analysts led by Martin Leitgeb said the focus would be on Barclays, Lloyds and Standard Chartered because they are all trying to increase or restart dividend payments.

– Bloomberg