IDA caught in Wikipedia war of words over tax and Brexit

Seen & Heard: Banks could sue over Sinn Féin mortgage Bill, attorney general advises

IDA Ireland chief executive Martin Shanahan. The State agency has paid for changes to Wikipedia pages about itself and its chief executive amid growing concerns about anonymous editing that portrays Ireland’s tax regime negatively.

IDA Ireland has paid for changes to Wikipedia pages about itself and its chief executive amid growing concerns about anonymous editing that portrays Ireland's tax regime negatively, the Sunday Business Post reports. A Wikipedia user, Britishfinance, has been carrying out changes since March last year with more than 40,000 edits logged since then. According to an IDA spokesman these edits "link Ireland and its stakeholders to negative stories, particularly on economics, taxation and Brexit".

Department warned over mortgage Bill

Banks could hit the State with a compensation bill that could run into billions of euro if Sinn Féin's No Consent No Sale Bill is passed, according to legal advice prepared by the attorney general for the Department of Finance. The Bill requires borrowers to approve the sale of their mortgages to vulture funds, Ian Guider writes in the Sunday Business Post.

Two-tier online betting tax plan mooted

Online bookies could face a 20 per cent tax on gross profits as the Government seeks European Union approval for a new two-tier betting tax plan. The Sunday Independent reports sources as saying a review of the decision to double betting tax to 2 per cent of turnover is now focusing on a dual-tax system that would see traditional betting shops pay 10 per cent on gross profits.

Applegreen enters aviation fuel market

Applegreen, Ireland's second largest service station operator, is preparing to enter the €400 million aviation fuel market at Dublin Airport, according to the Sunday Independent. The publicly quoted company has partnered with World Fuel Services, a major supplier of jet fuel, and delivered its first batch of jet fuel in recent days.


Aer Lingus loaders to ballot

Staying with aviation, the paper also reports that Aer Lingus aircraft loaders at Dublin Airport are to ballot for industrial action amid fears of outsourcing. It arises after staff accused the company of bringing in outside trainers from the UK recently, rather than using its own locally-based training department.

UK wealth manager vies for Investec business

A London-listed wealth manager company is among the parties vying with AIB to buy Investec's private client stockbroking business, which is on the market with a price tag of €60 million. The Sunday Times reports Brewin Dolphin is one of a number of overseas players interested in Investec, although it states that Bank of Ireland is now believed to have dropped out of the race.

Centrica warns about interconnectors access

Centrica has warned that future access to electricity interconnectors between Britain and Ireland could affect the ability of its Bord Gáis subsidiary to set electricity prices after Brexit. The Sunday Times writes that the company also warned the future of the integrated single electricity market on the island of Ireland might be also at risk.

Stagecoach threatens court action over train franchises

UK transport company Stagecoach is threatening court action against Britain’s transport secretary after the company’s exclusion from bidding on train franchises as the department deemed it “non-compliant” over pension liabilities.

Conservative-Labour talks over Brexit to continue

Cabinet office minister, and Theresa May's de-facto deputy, David Lidington, said talks between the government and Labour on Brexit would continue. Mr Lidington told BBC1's Andrew Marr Show: "I had a good, businesslike meeting with John McDonnell a couple of days ago, and what we have agreed is a programme of meetings next week on particular subjects with the ministers and shadow ministers concerned getting together to talk about things like environmental standards, like workers' rights, like security relationships between the United Kingdom and the EU."

Duncan Smith urges May to step down next month

However, former Conservative party leader Iain Duncan Smith told Sky News's Sophy Ridge on Sunday that Theresa May should quit next month. "I think that what the PM has to do is aim everything now towards departure before the Euros [elections] which would then allow her to step away having done what she said she would do, getting the UK out of the European Union one way or the other and then we can have another leadership election and pick a new leader which is the way it has to be."