Me & My Money: Simon Demery, general sales manager, Swizzels

‘I always go by the dictum: Don’t risk what you can’t afford to lose’

Simon Demery: ‘Working for a brand like Swizzels I am aware that consumers are always looking for the best price as well as good value for money.’

Are you a saver or a spender? Definitely a bit of both. Saving as a discipline was instilled in me from an early age. However, when it comes to big- ticket items such as treats for the family I like to splash out.

Do you shop around for better value? In business, yes and more so than ever before. Working for a brand like Swizzels I am aware that consumers are always looking for the best price as well as good value for money. I feel I could be savvier, but time is not always on my side and this sometimes leads to impulsive decisions.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? I purchased a set of golf clubs specific for height a number of years ago for £650 (old money). Unfortunately, I now can't blame the equipment for the poor quality of my game, but I still believe it was a good investment.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? I bought a bicycle recently, having not owned one since my 20s. I'm always amazed at how far I can travel on a bike in a couple of hours and it's free travel!


How do you prefer to shop – online or local? I prefer to shop in store, although that generally means I come out with more than I intended buying in the first place. It also has the added benefit of customer service, which is a big plus for me. In saying that, I keep my ear to the ground and quite enjoy browsing online to see if I can find better value.

Do you haggle over prices? For everyday items I wouldn't, but if making a significant purchase I become a lot braver and look for some sort of discount or added value. I'm not always successful but there is never any harm in trying.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Yes, it definitely has – and for the better. It has made me more aware of the cost, value, and the quality of items. I recognise this both in business and as a consumer myself.

Do you invest in shares? It's not something I would do on a regular basis. I have so done in the past but have neither gained nor lost from the experience.

Cash or card? Both. Card mainly but cash is king for everyday expenses such as parking.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? I had an early bird in one of my favourite restaurants recently – great food and great atmosphere for a fraction of the price. You can't go wrong with that.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Apart from the specialist golf clubs that didn't improve my golf game, I would say saving up for the deposit on my first house.

Have you ever lost money? Of course, but I always go by the dictum: "Don't risk what you can't afford to lose."

Are you a gambler and if so you have ever had a big win? No, not really, though I have been known to lose a few minutes daydreaming about a big Lotto win every now and then! Come to think of it, I have lost a few quid supporting my favourite soccer team.

Is money important to you? Yes, but not nearly as important as family and good health. And a sense of humour!

How much money do you have on you now? €22.67 exactly.