Oireachtas committee to consider multinational tax practices

OECD director to appear at hearings on global taxation structure

The Oireachtas sub-committee will meet an OECD representative to discuss global taxation architecture.

An Oireachtas sub-committee will today consider the tax practices of multinational companies based in Ireland.

The Sub-Committee on Global Taxation will review global taxation architecture with OECD director Pascal Saint-Amans.

The Revenue Commissioners, the Department of Finance and the IDA amongst others are due to appear before the committee at future hearings.

Its members, however, recently voted overwhelmingly against hearing evidence from multinationals as part of an inquiry into Ireland’s role in reducing their tax bills.


A motion from Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty that would have allowed for witnesses other than academics, the Minister for Finance, representatives of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Revenue Commissioners, and the Department of Finance, was not passed.