Workers who didn’t get Covid supports saw incomes rise by 7% last year

CSO data suggest those who never received subvention were typically on higher wages

The earnings of workers who never received Covid-related income supports during the pandemic rose by 7 per cent on annualised basis in the third quarter of 2021. Central Statistics Office data show the median weekly earnings of this cohort of workers stood €854 in the third quarter of 2021.

The earnings of workers who never received Covid-related income supports during the pandemic rose by 7 per cent on annualised basis in the third quarter of 2021. Central Statistics Office (CSO) data show the median weekly earnings of this cohort of workers stood €854 in the third quarter of 2021.

The median weekly earnings of those who did not receive income supports in the third quarter of 2021 but did so in the third quarter of 2020 stood at €581, an increase of 24 per cent from the previous year.

Those who never received income supports tended to have the highest weekly income, the CSO said, followed by those who did not receive income supports in the third quarter of 2021 but did so in the third quarter of 2020.

Those who received income supports over both quarters were found to have the lowest incomes.


The findings, part of a CSO series on the impact of wage supports, show the pandemic hit those on lower incomes, predominantly in the consumer-facing services sector, hardest.

Ireland is experiencing exceptionally strong growth fuelled by an increase in aggregate income and the unwinding of lockdown savings.

However, the surge in inflation and Russia's invasion of Ukraine has complicated recovery.