Exploration firm Petroneft issues works programme for 2018

Company plans delineation well at Cheremshanskoye oil field

Dennis Francis, chief executive of Petroneft Resources. Photograph: Cyril Byrne
Dennis Francis, chief executive of Petroneft Resources. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Oil and gas exploration and production company Petroneft Resources has issued an update on its works programme for 2018.

The company, which operates in the Russian Federation, said it plans to drill a delineation well at the Cheremshanskoye oil field in Licence 67, which aims to further delineate and de-risk the Cheremshanskoye field ahead of the field's development. It will be the fourth well drilled on the field, with the most recent in 2011.However, the new well will use modern 3D seismic data, which was acquired in 2014.

Oil has previously been identified and tested in the Lower Jurassic J-14 and J-13 intervals and the Upper Jurassic J1-1 and J1-3 intervals.

The drilling contract for the latest well has been awarded to SSK Drilling, and the well will be drilled in the summer, under Petroneft's joint venture agreement with Arawak Energy.


The company said it would continue to test the S-373 and S-375s wells on Licence 61 for the rest of the 2018 winter season, using the data to plan for future development at Sibkrayevskoye.

Petroneft is also re-evaluating the development of the West Lineynoye L-8 Lobe based on good results from the two horizontal wells at South Arbuzovskoye in 2016.

"We look forward to drilling the C-4 well which we feel has great potential as it will test multiple targets up-dip from nearby wells that have already tested oil in the same intervals," said Dennis Francis, chief executive of Petroneft Resources. "This is the first well to be drilled by the company based on the modern 3D seismic data acquired in 2014."

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist