In brief

TESCO HAS abandoned its carbon labelling scheme

TESCO HAS abandoned its carbon labelling scheme

FORD PLANS to cut water use by 30 per cent and waste by 70 per cent over the next five years

SPAIN’S GOVERNMENT has suspended subsidies for new solar, biomass and wind energy installations

SIEMENS HAS won a €12.9m contract to install 4.4MW of solar panels for the US Army


INDIA LED the world in cleantech investment growth last year – increasing it by 52 per cent to €7.9bn, according to Bloomberg

THE GLOBAL market for zero-carbon buildings will be worth €1 trillion a year by 2035, according to analysts Pike Research

GLOBAL FOOD giant Kraft has met a zero waste target at 36 factories in 13 countries

MAYNOOTH-BASED wave power firm Wavebob aims to raise €10m by the end of March

WAVE AND tidal power could supply about 9 per cent of electricity in the US by 2030, the US Department of Energy has claimed

LANZATECH, AN aviation biofuel firm backed by Richard Branson has raised €43m in a new funding round

GLOBAL WIND energy capacity grew by 20 per cent last year, according to the Global Wind Energy Council