EU biofuel shortfall may prompt imports

THE EUROPEAN Union may get barely one-third of its target for biofuels in transport fuels from home-produced sources by 2020, …

THE EUROPEAN Union may get barely one-third of its target for biofuels in transport fuels from home-produced sources by 2020, requiring massive imports to meet the goal, a draft European Environment Agency (EEA) report said.

The EU plans to source 10 per cent of transport fuels from renewable sources by 2020, with the bulk coming from biofuels. Critics say the target will contribute to deforestation in developing nations and soaring food prices.

The report, sent to the 27 member states, shows the most cost-effective and sustainable scenario for biofuels would deliver just 3.4 per cent of the EU’s transport fuels from domestic production in 2020.

An EEA spokeswoman said the report was at an early stage and was not scheduled for publication until September. She declined to discuss details but said the final figure may be higher as the model does not factor in the effect of oil prices, international trade or that biomass may be diverted from power or heat generation to boost its use in transport fuels.


A key EU lawmaker said yesterday he had broad parliamentary backing to propose changing the target for biofuels so that 4 per cent of road transport fuels come from renewable sources by 2015.

Claude Turmes said one-fifth of those renewable fuels would have to be either second-generation biofuels or electric vehicles. There would be a major review in 2015 to decide whether to move towards an 8-10 per cent target in 2020. – (Reuters)