EU may spend £112.5 million on jobs

The European Union is ready to spend £112.5 million (150 million ecus) over the next three years in tackling unemployment

The European Union is ready to spend £112.5 million (150 million ecus) over the next three years in tackling unemployment. European Parliament President, Mr Jose Maria Gil-Robles, stressed that these funds, which will be made available from 1998 onwards, must be "usefully spent" to reduce Europe's 18 million jobless. "It is very important that not one Ecu is lost," he said yesterday.

Speaking at the opening of the EU jobs summit, Mr Gil-Robles, said that while the European Council cannot be expected to provide miraculous remedies or short-term solutions, it similarly cannot throw up its arms in despair at the sheer difficulty of the problem.

The fight against unemployment is above all the responsibility of the member states, who must put these funds to good use, according to Mr Gil-Robles. "We need to guarantee that guidelines for employment policies and the major economic policy guidelines are consistent and mutually reinforce one another. All community policies can and must contribute to this great objective."

While the European Parliament has supported the establishment of convergence criteria, the president suggested that the core question ought to be how to mobilise those involved to work out a more aggressive employment policy.


Mr Gil-Robles said such a policy should include certain guidelines laid down by the common consent of the European Union, which could be adjusted to reflect the real situation in each of the member states. He also called for the adoption of a method of verifying whether they are being met.

"What matter, and cannot be put off any longer, is setting things in motion."