European Tech Tour coming to Dublin

The European Tech Tour Association, comprising around 35 representatives from the European tech industry, including corporate…

The European Tech Tour Association, comprising around 35 representatives from the European tech industry, including corporate multinational personnel, venture capitalists, service providers and investment bankers, will visit the Republic next month.

Over two days they will be introduced to around 20 successful technology companies operating here, either on their own premises or in group presentations at UCD and IBEC House.

The organiser, Mr William Kiely, in association with the Irish Software Association, is offering members of the Irish technology community an opportunity to meet with the visiting delegation at a dinner in Christchurch's Dublinia on May 12th. Mr Cyril McGuire, chief executive officer of Trintech, will be one of the guest speakers at the event.

For further information e-mail There is a contribution of £50 (€63.49) per ticket.