`Francais, s'il vous plait'

Appalled by the spread of English across the Internet, France has stepped up efforts to invent its own jargon to describe the…

Appalled by the spread of English across the Internet, France has stepped up efforts to invent its own jargon to describe the rapidly changing world of cyberspace and e-commerce.

If the finance ministry has its way, the French will stop calling new Web companies "les start-up" and use the term "jeunes pousses d'entreprises" (young sprouts of companies).

Stock options would become "options sur titre" (options on a share) and marketing managers would be "directeurs de la mercatique", according to a ministry list unveiled last week.

When President Jacques Chirac visited a few newly-launched companies near the Place de la Republique on Thursday, his press office announced a "visite des 12 start-up de Republic Alley".