You know it's true - every single other person in the world except for you is surfing the Internet

You know it's true - every single other person in the world except for you is surfing the Internet. You have been left behind in the digital age. You are the grotty cave-dweller, mesmerised by fire and emitting only a series of low grunts; everyone else is cyber-chatting in three languages.

Now there is a new device you can rent for less than £1 a day. Simply plug in the Webnote, and start surfing. The Webnote, an Irish invention, is smaller than a laptop computer and weighs 1kg. It comes with a built-in keyboard, its own web-browser, a neat touch-screen, and a 56k modem for faster surfing.

The Webnote will be available by June from Esat, at around £25 a month. Information from Netnote on (01) 282-3688.