Going digital means leading from the front

Bringing your employees with you is the key to implementing change

Drawing on influential employees in the front line is one of the most effective vehicles for promoting change in an organisation.
Drawing on influential employees in the front line is one of the most effective vehicles for promoting change in an organisation.

Creating a digital organisation is not just about implementing new technology. If you want to see true and lasting value from your technology investments, people need to change their mindsets and behaviours, and you need to lead that change. Here’s how.

1. Influence the transition to new digital ways by modelling the change you want to see happen – and by encouraging your colleagues to do so. For instance, actively participating on digital platforms and experimenting with new ways of communicating, collaborating and connecting with employees.

2. Do fewer things better. Focus on the initiatives that will create real value – and that you believe you can actually finish. Clearly communicate the value of adoption to your employees.

3. Budget for the communication, training and organisational development required to succeed. And ensure that proper governance and metrics are in place to monitor progress.


4. Engage true believers. Drawing on influential employees in the front line is one of the most effective vehicles for promoting change in an organisation.

5. Encourage your human resources and organisational development people to take a leadership role in in ensuring that the new practices get implemented – and monitored.

6. Use all available reward structures to foster adoption, not just financial ones.

In association with Harvard Business Review